Davit Vardanyan
0Прогнозов нет
Пока пользователь не опубликовал ни одного прогноза
0Конкурсов нет
Пока пользователь не участвовал в конкурсах
Конкурсов нет
Пока пользователь не участвовал в конкурсах
Прогнозов нет
Пока пользователь не опубликовал ни одного прогноза
Эффективность прогнозов
Прогнозов нет
Пока пользователь не опубликовал ни одного прогноза
Davit Vardanyan
13 Мар 2021
I found good recomendations in facebook as like in here, registered on Planetofbets, maked bets, won money, but when I tried to withraw money, they wanted me to pass verification. I send them all the documents they said, they answer that my account was blocked.
they said that is for multiple registrations and use of accounts by third parties, but I have only this one, and bets were made only by me.
If they asked to send the video with my account, I would. But they didnt, so I think this is only for not to pay money!!!!!
Cefs are high here, so You can play and win more money than in other bookmakers, but You will not recieve that money :(
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